brilliant points... I am doing research for my college paper, thanks for your brilliant points, now I am acting on a sudden impulse. It took me a long time to search on the web, only your site unfold the fully details, bookmarked and thanks again.
Kris, Berlin | hAPPY FYI, I received my frame from you and it was a perfect fit. Thank you for questioning my original order and not just blindly fulfilling it as seems to be the norm these days. I’m the artist, very new to the framing part !
Thanks again,
Jabbaar, | Wow Wow I was so satisfied with my purchase, it was so much expansive in the others local shops for framing my 2 diplomas. I saved a lot of money by buying at, they helped me to choose my products and it was easy to install! It looks really good now! Look forward to deal again with!
Justin Larcheveque, Quebec | Nice frame Thank you! The frame arrived today and it is absolutely beautiful!
Seesea, |