high quality job I received my canvas print today. Thank you for the high quality job. It met every expectation I had. Your framing was exactly what you represented it would be and the image was very much to my satisfaction. High quality work can often be measured not only by the product itself, but also by the way it was packaged and shipped. It was packaged in a very secure and high quality fashion and protected properly against damage. My thanks to you and your entire production staff. I will happily send other images to you again in the future.
Best regards,
Lee, | It is great The canvas arrived yesterday and is great. It is to be used in a wedding on Saturday and the couple are thrilled to have it.
Karin, | Thank you very much. The picture is great. It looks almost as good as a photo. My husband was very touched. Thank you very much.
The wife!, | You are not fast at all! You are not fast at all... even very slower than elephant when shipping,
But I have to admit; it's a very nice job !:-))
TY, Ottawa |